WordPress Dashboard
- Go to ‘Admin’ -> ‘Plugins’ -> ‘Add New’.
- Click on ‘Upload Plugin’.
- Upload plugin zip.
- Activate plugin.
- Unzip plugin zip.
- Upload the unzip plugin folder to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…).
- Activate plugin.
- Source Store.
- Installed and Activated plugin.
- In “Admin” -> “Product Sync” -> “Settings”, set ‘Query String Parameters’ option.
- Destination Stores.
- Would you please set “Admin” -> “Settings” -> “Permalinks” -> “Custom Structure”. Like “Post name” option.
Add store
- Go to ‘Admin’ -> ‘Product Sync’ -> ‘Stores’.
- You will see ‘Add store’ section.
- Store URL: Add WooCommerce destination web store (WordPress site) URL.
- Create WooCommerce App in destination web store to get Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
- Go to ‘Admin’ -> ‘WooCommerce’ -> ‘Settings’ -> ‘Advanced’ -> ‘REST API’ OR Go to ‘Admin’ -> ‘WooCommerce’ -> ‘Settings’ -> ‘API’ -> ‘Keys/Apps’.
- Click the ‘Add Key’ button.
- You will see add WooCommerce App section.
- Description: Add WooCommerce App description.
- Permissions: Select a ‘Read/Write’ permission.
- Click on ‘Generate API Key’ button.
- Consumer Key: Add WooCommerce App consumer key.
- Consumer Secret: Add WooCommerce App consumer secret.
- Click on ‘Add store’ button.
Edit store
- Go to ‘Admin’ -> ‘Product Sync’ -> ‘Stores’.
- You will see list of synced stores.
- Click on edit icon which you want to edit store.
- You will see edit store section.
- Status: Enable/Disable store sync. By default enabled.
- Consumer Key: Update WooCommerce App consumer key if you want.
- Consumer Secret: Update WooCommerce App consumer secret if you want.
- Exclude categories products: Check the checkbox categories which you want to exclude categories products when syncing with stores. This option is enabled if the “Full Product” option (Admin -> Product Sync -> Settings) is selected.
- Exclude tags products: Check the checkbox tags which you want to exclude tags products when syncing with stores. This option is enabled if the “Full Product” option (Admin -> Product Sync -> Settings) is selected.
- Exclude Meta Data: Add the meta key which you want exclude when syncing with stores. Add product meta key by comma separated and don’t add any space between comma. The standard meta keys are featured, catalog_visibility, description, short_description, regular_price, sale_price, date_on_sale_from, date_on_sale_to, virtual, external_url, button_text, manage_stock, stock_quantity, stock_status, backorders, sold_individually, weight, dimensions, shipping_class, reviews_allowed, upsell_ids, cross_sell_ids, purchase_note, categories, tags, images, attributes, default_attributes, grouped_products, menu_order and custom meta keys. This option is enabled if the “Full Product” option (Admin -> Product Sync -> Settings) is selected.
- Exclude Term Description: Enable/Disable exclude term description. By default disabled.
- Price Adjustment: Enable/Disable product price adjustment. By default disabled.
- Price Adjustment Type: Select Percentage Amount or Fixed Amount as per your needs.
- Price Adjustment Amount: Add price adjustment amount as per your needs. It will reflect on product regular price and sale price.
- Go to ‘Admin’ -> ‘Product Sync’ -> ‘Settings’.
- Sync Type: You can set ‘Auto Sync’ or ‘Manual Sync’ as per your needs. By default ‘Auto Sync’.
- Auto Sync: Sync product automatically when a product add/update.
- Manual Sync: Sync product manually.
- Edit product which you want to sync.
- You will see ‘WooCommerce API Product Sync’ section.
- Select WooCommerce stores.
- Click on ‘Sync’ button.
- Authorization: You can set ‘Header’ or ‘Query String Parameters’.
- Old Products Sync By: You can set “Slug” or “SKU”.
- Product Sync Type: You can set “Full Product” or “Price and Quantity” or “Quantity”.
- Full Product: It will sync whole product.
- Price and Quantity: It will sync only price and quantity. Also, sync automatically stock (inventory) in destination web stores when order placed on source web store.
- Quantity: It will sync only quantity. Also, sync automatically stock (inventory) in destination web stores when order placed on source web store.
- Stock Sync?: Sync automatically stock (inventory) in destination web stores when order placed on source web store. This option is enabled if the “Full Product” option (Admin -> Product Sync -> Settings) is selected.
- Sync on product delete?: If product trash on the source web store, it will trash that product on the destination web stores. If product delete permanently on the source web store, it will delete permanently that product on the destination web stores.
Bulk Sync
- Go to ‘Admin’ -> ‘Product Sync’ -> ‘Bulk Sync’.
- Search products.
- Select category if you want to filter products by category.
- Select tag if you want to filter products by tag.
- Select product per page.
- Select store with status if you want to filter products by store with status.
- Click on ‘Filter’ button
- You will see list of products.
- Select products which you want sync.
- Select WooCommerce stores.
- Click on ‘Sync’ button.
API Error Logs
Go to ‘Admin’ -> ‘Product Sync’ -> ‘API Error Logs’. It will show WooCommerce API error logs.
Also, support two-way sync. If you sync two stores with two-way sync, purchase two licenses one by one from the CodeCanyon. If you sync three stores with two-way sync, purchase three licenses one by one from the CodeCanyon.