This plugin requires the WooCommerce plugin.
WordPress Dashboard
- Go to ‘Network Admin’ -> ‘Plugins’ -> ‘Add New’.
- Click on ‘Upload Plugin’.
- Upload ‘WooCommerce Multisite Content Copier’ plugin zip.
- Activate ‘WooCommerce Multisite Content Copier’ plugin from Network.
- Unzip ‘WooCommerce Multisite Content Copier’ plugin zip.
- Upload the unzip plugin folder to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…).
- Activate ‘WooCommerce Multisite Content Copier’ plugin from Network.
- Go to ‘Network Admin’ -> ‘WCMCC’ -> ‘Settings’
- Sites: Select sites you want to give option in individual copy/update.
- Old products check?: If checked, it will check source site’s product SLUG match with destination site’s product or not. If match, it will update product in destination site. If not match, it will create product in destination site.
Bulk Copy/Update: You can copy/update bulk products (simple, grouped, virtual, downloadable, external/affiliate and variable) from one site to the other sites. Please follow the below steps.
- Go to ‘Network Admin’-> ‘WCMCC’ -> Bulk Copy/Update
- You will see ‘WooCommerce Multisite Content Copier: Bulk Copy/Update’ page
- Select source site you want copy/update from
- Add records per page
- Click on ‘Filter’ button
- You will see list of records
- Select records you want copy/update
- Select destination sites you want copy/update
- Select extra option like Copy or update media (Attachments), Copy or update terms (Categories, Tags, Attributes, Shipping Classes)
- Click on ‘Copy/Update’ button
Individual Copy/Update: You can copy/update individual products (simple, grouped, virtual, downloadable, external/affiliate and variable) from one site to the other sites. Please follow the below steps.
- Edit any product
- You will see ‘WooCommerce Multisite Content Copier: Copy/Update Content’ section
- Select destination sites you want copy/update.
- Select extra option like Copy or update media (Attachments), Copy or update terms (Categories, Tags, Attributes, Shipping Classes)
- Click on ‘Copy/Update’ button