WordPress Multisite Network Dashboard
- Go to ‘Network Admin’ -> ‘Plugins’ -> ‘Add New’.
- Click on ‘Upload Plugin’.
- Upload plugin zip.
- Activate plugin.
- Unzip plugin zip.
- Upload the unzip plugin folder to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…).
- Go to ‘Network Admin’ -> ‘Plugins’.
- Activate plugin.
- Go to ‘Network Admin’-> ‘User Sync’ -> ‘Settings’.
- You will see ‘Settings’ page.
- Sync Type: You can set ‘Auto Sync’ or ‘Manual Sync’ as per your needs. By default ‘Auto Sync’.
- Auto Sync: Sync user automatically when a user add/update/register.
- Manual Sync: Sync user manually.
- Edit any user.
- You will see ‘WordPress Multisite User Sync/Unsync’ section.
- Select sync/unsync.
- Select destination sites you want sync/unsync user.
- Click on ‘Update User’ button.
- Auto Sync Type: You can set ‘All sites’ or ‘Main site to sub sites’ or ‘Sub site to main site’ as per your needs. By default ‘All sites’.
- Auto Unsync: Enable/Disable auto unsync when user delete.
- Exclude User Roles: You can exclude user roles as per your needs.
Bulk Sync/Unsync
- Go to ‘Network Admin’-> ‘User Sync’ -> ‘Bulk Sync’.
- You will see ‘Bulk Sync’ page.
- Select source site you want sync/unsync from.
- Add number of users per page.
- Click on ‘Filter’ button.
- You will see list of users.
- Select users you want sync/unsync.
- Select sync/unsync.
- Select destination sites you want sync/unsync.
- Click on ‘Sync/Unsync’ button.